Presented by Joe Greer. Some gaps may exist in recordings below where comments made by class participants were not picked up by the microphone. Ecclesiastes 09/21/14 Ecclesiastes 09/24/14 Ecclesiastes 09/28/14 Ecclesiastes 10/01/14 Ecclesiastes 10/19/14 Ecclesiastes 10/22/14 Ecclesiastes 10/26/14 Ecclesiastes 11/02/14 Ecclesiastes 11/05/14 Ecclesiastes 11/09/14 Ecclesiastes 11/12/14 Ecclesiastes 11/16/14 Ecclesiastes 11/19/14 Ecclesiastes 11/23/14 Ecclesiastes 11/26/14 Ecclesiastes… [Read more]
Why Go To Church?
by Joe Greer I have always been perplexed by those who do not see the benefit of attending every assembly of the church. It is a time of worship to God, a time for building faith and knowledge in His word, and a time to encourage and be encouraged by those of like mind. It… [Read more]
Teaching Priorities
by Joe Greer Learning to set priorities is an important life lesson. We understand that, and so we strive to teach our children the significance of learning how to effectively use their time. These lessons begin when they are very young … such as, when their (or our) favorite TV show is recorded on the… [Read more]
A Teacher of Children (Part One)
From My Journal – Zimbabwe, Africa 2012 – Joe Greer Gombalume, Zimbabwe – Monday, September 10th, 2012 A Teacher of Children – part one To look around from this remote African village would not give one the impression that there is any reason to be encouraged. All you can see is sand and bush and… [Read more]
Personal Evangelism Study
A series of audio lessons by Joe Greer on the Christian’s need to be involved in teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. This study examines our responsibility and motivation to teach others the gospel, as well as giving us helpful suggestions in bringing God’s precious word of salvation to a lost and dying world…. [Read more]
A Study of the Book of Haggai
Study questions from a study of the Book of Haggai presented by Rick Harrington. There are no audio recordings for this study. Teaching notes may be made available upon request. Email Haggai 1 1-15 Questions Haggai 2 1-9 Questions 05 Haggai 2-10-23 Questions
But Abel Is Dead
In Genesis 4 we read about Cain and Abel, two sons of Adam and Eve. After just a few verses of the chapter Abel dies but Cain lives on to have a wife and progeny and to build a city. So Cain is the more successful of the two brothers, right? Anyone familiar with the… [Read more]
Lessons From John 21
Lessons From John 21
Sunday, January 1st 2012: “Is Reality TV Real Life”
We invite you to come join us on this first day of the new year for a sincere and honest “reality check” by hearing a lesson based on Biblical reality.
Zechariah 14 Study Questions
1) What will be done with the spoil that is taken from the inhabitants of Jerusalem? (Zech. 14:1) 2) What will happen to the “rest [or remnant] of the people”? (Zech. 14:2) 3) What will the Lord do regarding the nations that come against Jerusalem? (Zech. 14:3) 4) What will happen to the Mount of… [Read more]