In this Wednesday evening auditorium class the entire church engaged in an interactive, multi-generational study of the geography of the New Testament. This class is designed to give us a greater understanding and appreciation of the historicity of the Bible, demonstrating that the places, people and events spoken of in the Bible are not fables,… [Read more]
Bible Classes
A Study of the Letter to the Colossians
We invite you to join us in our Sunday morning auditorium class as we go through a seven week study of the New Testament book of Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae. This study, conducted by Les Wicker, is intended to help us learn about the true identity of Jesus Christ and what that… [Read more]
Jesus – The Teacher and His Teachings
In our Sunday morning auditorium class we recently studied the person of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Jesus is commonly called the Master Teacher, but why? Jesus as teacher is a centerpiece to the depiction of him in the gospels. What did he teach and how did he do it? Why is it still critically… [Read more]
The World of the New Testament
This study, conducted by Phillip Mullins, explores the world in which the events of the New Testament took place. The New Testament is framed within a historical and cultural context. This class explores and summarizes the political, economic, and social setting of the events of the New Testament. Christ came to a certain place and… [Read more]
Recent Auditorium Class: Letter from an Open Heart: Paul’s Ministry and Relationships, A Study of II Corinthians
Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is the most personal of all of the apostle’s correspondence with churches. The Corinthians had addressed many of the problems about which Paul had written them in the first letter. However, pseudo-apostles had infiltrated the church and were attempting to build a following and undermine the influence of Paul…. [Read more]
God’s People in Man’s World – A Study in 1 Corinthians
The Corinthians had made a bold decision to follow Christ when they accepted the gospel preached to them by the apostle Paul. They were surrounded by Greco-Roman culture, commercial prosperity, and gross immorality. Now, as they begin to live their faith in Christ, a myriad of problems, questions, and challenges surface among them. This letter is… [Read more]
Sunday Morning Bible Study: A Survey of the Old Testament
There are many who view the writings of the Old Testament as simply an archaic collection of narratives, history and literature regarding the the ancient nation of Israel that has no real significance for us today. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This study emphasizes God’s dealings with man throughout the Old Testament, helping… [Read more]
Wednesday Evening Bible Study: “Getting to Know the Israelites”
Various men of the congregation lead us through this study of some of the lesser characters of the Old Testament. From their very beginning as a nation in the book of Exodus to their near extinction under the Medo-Persian empire in the book of Esther, listen as different teachers investigate what these men and women… [Read more]
Recent Bible Study: “The People who Met Christ in the Gospel – A Character Study in Acts”
Jesus Christ did not just encounter individuals as He lived and taught during His life on this earth. He continued to encounter men and women through the message of the gospel which was taught by His chosen apostles throughout the book of Acts. He continues to encounter men and women today through the inspired teaching… [Read more]
Searching for Meaning – A Study of Ecclesiastes
Introduction 11/07/21Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 11/10/21Ecclesiastes 2 11/14/21Ecclesiastes 3 11/17/21Ecclesiastes 4 11/21/21Ecclesiastes 5 11/24/21Ecclesiastes 6-7 11/28/21Ecclesiastes 8 12/01/21Ecclesiastes 9 12/05/21Ecclesiastes 10 12/08/21Ecclesiastes 11 12/12/21Ecclesiastes 12 12/15/21Ecclesiastes and Jesus 12/19/21Ecclesiastes and Paul’s Letters 12/22/21