He was a shepherd, a brave warrior, and the most beloved king of Israel. Most of all, he was a man after God’s own heart. David was an artistic man and penned most of the Psalms used by Israel in worship to God. This study examines a select number of those psalms and allows us… [Read more]
Featured Posts
Decisive Moments in the Life of Moses
This brief study examines the person of Moses at several crucial stages in his life and the decisions he made during those times, providing us with insight and wisdom as we contemplate our own decisive moments and how we can better choose the path that leads to God. Sun., Feb. 14Moses at Birth – Parents Who… [Read more]
A Study of the Miracles of Jesus
We recently completed an interesting and exciting study of the Miracles of Jesus and His chosen apostles. Learn with us as we consider the thirty-five miracles Jesus performed while He walked on this earth, as well as some other miraculous events that demonstrate who this carpenter from Nazareth truly is, and what these varied and… [Read more]
Have A Question?
If you have any question about what the Bible teaches on a particular topic, the Bible itself or about the church of Christ which meets at 33 Broadview Drive in Asheville, NC, we would be happy to try to help answer your question from the pages of Bible. We do not claim to have all… [Read more]
The Parables of Jesus
Listen to recent studies of the parables of Jesus. Through these seemingly simple stories, Jesus not only teaches us profound concepts and principles about His spiritual kingdom, He also teaches us how to view ourselves as God views us, as well as how to see God for who He truly is. We invite you to… [Read more]
People of the Word
We invite you to listen to this recent series of lessons presented by Ben Walker of Taylors, South Carolina. This series encourages us to realize the purpose God’s word plays in our understanding of who He is and what His purpose is for our lives. Ben does an excellent job of getting to the heart… [Read more]
Our Work of Evangelism by Ken McDaniel
We invite you to listen to this series of lessons on the work of Evangelism. This insightful and motivating series of lessons presented by Ken McDaniel shares some of the means Ken has used over the years to be effective in the work of personal and congregational evangelism, exploring from the scriptures how the disciples… [Read more]
Paul’s Missionary Journeys
Our auditorium class recently finished a study of the missionary journeys of the apostle Paul. Conducted by Joe Greer, this study takes us through the latter half of the book of Acts, examining all the places the apostle Paul traveled, the various cities and villages he visited, the people he encountered, the oppositions he faced,… [Read more]
Jesus the Christ: Legend or Reality – A Series of Lesson’s Presented by Ralph Walker
Jesus the Christ: Legend or Reality? Was Jesus all the Bible says he was? Have time and over-zealous followers created a larger than life character? Hear a logical and rational consideration of the nature of Jesus of Nazareth, and how and why he so powerfully affected the world. This sermon series presented by Ralph Walker… [Read more]
“Rooted and Grounded in Love” – A Study of Ephesians
Our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening auditorium classes recently completed a study in the New Testament epistle to the Ephesians. This is a wonderful book that makes known the profound wealth that can be found in Jesus Christ, instructing us how the knowledge of these blessings should influence every aspect of our lives as well… [Read more]