by Joe Greer I have always been perplexed by those who do not see the benefit of attending every assembly of the church. It is a time of worship to God, a time for building faith and knowledge in His word, and a time to encourage and be encouraged by those of like mind. It… [Read more]
Featured Posts
Teaching Priorities
by Joe Greer Learning to set priorities is an important life lesson. We understand that, and so we strive to teach our children the significance of learning how to effectively use their time. These lessons begin when they are very young … such as, when their (or our) favorite TV show is recorded on the… [Read more]
A Teacher of Children (Part One)
From My Journal – Zimbabwe, Africa 2012 – Joe Greer Gombalume, Zimbabwe – Monday, September 10th, 2012 A Teacher of Children – part one To look around from this remote African village would not give one the impression that there is any reason to be encouraged. All you can see is sand and bush and… [Read more]
We Are Simply Christians
Many are growing disenchanted with present religious forms which originated in the middle ages and have become meaningless. There is displeasure with denominational structures and dogma. Some, because of such views, have even decided that Christianity is not relevant today. We believe they have made that decision because they are not sufficiently acquainted with the… [Read more]
Audio Sermon Series: Christians Facing a Corrupting Culture
How do those desiring to serve God in today’s world maintain their faith, purity and influence in the midst of an increasingly corrupting culture? This series of lessons recently presented by Buddy Payne is designed to help us answer these questions from a Biblical and practical perspective.
But Abel Is Dead
In Genesis 4 we read about Cain and Abel, two sons of Adam and Eve. After just a few verses of the chapter Abel dies but Cain lives on to have a wife and progeny and to build a city. So Cain is the more successful of the two brothers, right? Anyone familiar with the… [Read more]
Does God Care How We Worship Him?
How does the Bible answer this question? This study examines Biblical principles regarding how man is instructed to approach God in worship and numerous scriptural examples that demonstrate the type of worship that is pleasing to God.
He Who Has Ears to Hear
Am I listening to God’s word? We all have the ability to hear what God instructs us, but our are hearts open to what He has said? This lesson encourages each of us to listen and open our hearts to what God tells each of us through His inspired word. He Who Has Ears to… [Read more]
John the Baptist, A Man of Faith or Doubt?
John the Baptist, A Man of Faith or Doubt?
Should Preachers Be Called “Reverend”?
Delivered August 7th, 2011. This lesson examines the common practice of using titles to refer to preachers and what the Bible has to say about such practices. Should Preachers Be Called Reverend?