Our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening auditorium classes recently completed a study in the New Testament epistle to the Ephesians. This is a wonderful book that makes known the profound wealth that can be found in Jesus Christ, instructing us how the knowledge of these blessings should influence every aspect of our lives as well… [Read more]
Bible Class Resources
A History of the Church
This comprehensive study, recently taught in our auditorium class by Joe Greer, examines the history of the church from both a Biblical and secular perspective, comparing what the New Testament teaches regarding the organization, worship and work of the church of our Lord to what man himself has introduced and incorporated into the church through… [Read more]
The Book of Hebrews
This interesting study taught by Earl Metcalf helps us understand the true nature and purpose of the Old Testament Law and its ultimate fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 08/02/17 Hebrews 07/30/17 Hebrews 07/26/17 Hebrews 07/23/17 Hebrews 07/19/17 Hebrews 07/16/17 Hebrews 07/12/17 Hebrews 07/09/17 Hebrews 07/05/17 Hebrews 07/02/17 Hebrews 06/28/17 Hebrews… [Read more]
The Epistles of John
A study of the epistles of First, Second and Third John, presented by Joe Greer. Consider what it means to “walk in the light”, not be led astray by false teachings, and to truly love God and our fellow Christians as He intends. The Epistles of John 3/1/17 The Epistles of John 2/26/17 The… [Read more]
The Gospel of John
The most unique of the four accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, John’s gospel reveals Jesus to us as He truly is, the representation of God in human form (John 1:1, John 1:14). John tells us that his gospel was written that we might believe in Jesus Christ, and through believing we may… [Read more]
A Study of Nehemiah
A study of the book of Nehemiah conducted by Joe Greer. Through the help of God, the faith and leadership of Nehemiah and the contribution of individuals each doing their part, God’s will is fulfilled and the furtherance of His kingdom is accomplished. Nehemiah 08/23/15 Nehemiah 08/30/15 Nehemiah 09/06/15 Nehemiah 09/13/15 Nehemiah 09/20/15 Nehemiah 09/27/15 Nehemiah… [Read more]
A Study of the Book of Galatians
A study of the book of Galatians. We invite you to listen through this in-depth textual study of Paul’s epistle which extolls the liberty we have through faith in Jesus Christ. This study was conducted by Rick Harrington. 1:1-10 Study Questions 1:11-17 Study Questions 1:18-2:10 Study Questions 2 11-21 Study Questions 3 1-10 Study Questions 3 11-22 Study Questions 3 23-4:7… [Read more]
A Study of the Book of Haggai
Study questions from a study of the Book of Haggai presented by Rick Harrington. There are no audio recordings for this study. Teaching notes may be made available upon request. Email rick@heiwnc.com Haggai 1 1-15 Questions Haggai 2 1-9 Questions 05 Haggai 2-10-23 Questions