A recent series of lessons presented by Andrew Roberts comparing the religions of Islam and Christianity. This informative series provides insight into the vast differences between the two religions as well as dispelling certain myths and misinformation and clarifying what the Qur’an and the Bible respectively teach regarding a number of different topics. Click on titles below to… [Read more]
Featured Sermon: “Why Read the Bible?”
If the Bible truly is what it claims to be, why wouldn’t we want to read it on a daily basis? This thought provoking and encouraging lesson, presented 12/13/15 by Joe Greer, sites numerous reasons as to why we should be reading our Bibles on a daily basis as well as challenges each of us… [Read more]
Worship in Song with Tim Stevens
From a series of lessons with Tim Stevens: A Weekend of Worship in Song. Click on title to listen or right click to download. Congregational Singing 10/10/15 Serve One Another 10/11/15 am A Day of Agony, Dread and Humiliation 10/11/15 am The Greatest Rescue Ever 10/11/15 pm
A Study of Nehemiah
A study of the book of Nehemiah conducted by Joe Greer. Through the help of God, the faith and leadership of Nehemiah and the contribution of individuals each doing their part, God’s will is fulfilled and the furtherance of His kingdom is accomplished. Nehemiah 08/23/15 Nehemiah 08/30/15 Nehemiah 09/06/15 Nehemiah 09/13/15 Nehemiah 09/20/15 Nehemiah 09/27/15 Nehemiah… [Read more]
Preaching from the Prophets with Tom Holley
Presented Saturday and Sunday, August 8th and 9th, this revealing series of lessons by Tom Holley of Starksville, Mississippi encourages us through the prophets of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel to take a close look at God’s word and experience some of the treasures He has waiting for us within it’s inspired pages. Click on title… [Read more]
Featured Sermon: Beware of the Lion!
Having just returned from a preaching trip to Africa where he witnessed some of these creatures in action, Joe Greer relates some observations he made about these fierce and cunning predators with the spiritual enemy we have depicted in the Bible. Click on title to listen to the lesson or right click to download. Beware of the… [Read more]
Featured Sermon: “Peer Pressure”
Using Proverbs 13:20 as a launching point, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm,” this sermon presented by Earl Metcalf explores the idea of both the negative and positive aspects of peer pressure. Click on link to listen or right click to download. “Peer Pressure”
Featured Sermon: “The Laborers in the Vineyard”
This sermon examines an interesting parable taught by Jesus regarding the attitude of some workers who felt they were being unfairly treated. It explores the idea that the intended lesson of this parable is that we must see ourselves and others from God’s perspective and not our own. Click on the link to listen or right click to download: The… [Read more]
“Give Attention to Reading” – 2015 Daily Bible Reading Series
To help each member of our congregation grow in faith, grace and knowledge, the Asheville church read the entire Bible throughout the year of 2015. Sunday evenings were devoted to lessons and studies related to the previous weeks’ readings. Click on titles below to listen to these recordings. Genesis 1-24 (Joe Greer) Genesis 25-48 (Joe Greer)… [Read more]
A Study of the Book of Galatians
A study of the book of Galatians. We invite you to listen through this in-depth textual study of Paul’s epistle which extolls the liberty we have through faith in Jesus Christ. This study was conducted by Rick Harrington. 1:1-10 Study Questions 1:11-17 Study Questions 1:18-2:10 Study Questions 2 11-21 Study Questions 3 1-10 Study Questions 3 11-22 Study Questions 3 23-4:7… [Read more]