From I-40: Take Exit 53B (I-240). Then in only a tenth of a mile or so you will exit off of I-240 at Exit 8 (US 74-A also called Fairview Rd.). Turn left on Fairview (McDonald’s across street). Go half a mile to School Rd. (third light – at school) and take a left. Go… [Read more]
Haggai 1:1-15 Questions
Haggai 1:1-15 Questions 1. When did the events in Haggai take place? (Hag. 1:1) 2. What came by the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel and Joshua? (Hag. 1:1) 3. What respective titles do Zerubbabel and Joshua hold? (Hag. 1:1) 4. What else is significant about Zerubbabel? (Matt. 1:12) 5. What reason have the people been giving… [Read more]
How Are the Dead Raised?
How is it possible for decaying bodies to be raised from the dead? What will our bodies be like when we are raised from the dead? Answers to these questions are explored in this lesson from I Corinthians 15:35-58. [audio:] Download (.mp3)
God is Good
This lesson affirms that God is truly good. But that does not mean that we “can pull the wool over God’s eyes.” He views us honestly and objectively without partiality. God is Good
The Craftiness of the Serpent
By examining the serpent’s deception of Eve in the Garden of Eden, this lesson analyzes some of the different means Satan uses to tempt us to sin. The Craftiness of the Serpent
Why Am I a Christian?
In this lesson, Rick presents some of the motivating factors that led him to become and remain a disciple of Jesus Christ. Why Am I a Christian?
Eat, Drink and be Merry?
In this lesson, Joe examines the Biblical expression “Eat, Drink and be Merry” and how it is often misused and misapplied in today’s culture. [audio:] Download (.mp3)
How Does it Feel to be Saved?
Delivered 05/01/2011. Can we trust our feelings? This lesson encourages us to examine the role that emotions play in the salvation experience. How Does it Feel to be Saved?