This year we are reading through the major and minor prophets (The Old Testament books of Isaiah through Malachi). These prophetic books are not only prophecies that pertained to the children of Israel in the days in which they were given, they are also brimming over with references and allusions to Jesus Christ and the spiritual kingdom He would establish through His chosen apostles on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). The New Testament is replete with references to these writings, teaching us the value of these prophecies in understanding the nature of this spiritual kingdom. We have intentionally kept these readings brief (a chapter a day or less, Monday – Friday) so everyone can keep up. Many of our Sunday night services will be devoted to lessons taken from the previous week’s readings. You may view/download a PDF of the reading plan as well as the Sunday evening speaker schedule below.
2018 Daily Bible Reading
2018 Sunday Evening Speaker Schedule
Visit Audio Library to Listen to Lessons From Readings