The story is told of a little boy who was about to be spanked. His father said, “This hurts me more than it hurts you,” to which the boy replied, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Whether this actually happened or not it reminds us of the truth about giving and receiving.
J.R. Lowell once wrote “Not what we give, but what we share, For the gift without the giver is bare” (Vision of Sir Launfal, II). We are told in the Bible of some who gave liberally even though they were in deep poverty. And more than this, they “first gave their own selves to the Lord” (II Corinthians 8:2, 5).
It is interesting that the true God who made and owns everything should instruct us to be givers. One reason for this is surely that He does not want us to be attached to physical things. Greediness can become a form of idolatry (Colossians 3:5). Giving motivated by love is benefical to both the receiver and the giver (I Corinthians 13:3).
Indeed, the Lord has given to us freely out of His love for us. “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (II Corinthians 8:9).